Kathleen Breitman, Co-founder of Tezos

Kathleen Breitman, Co-founder of Tezos

The Tezos Foundation was co-founded by Kathleen Breitman, a veteran of the financial industry. Two years after the initial white paper's publication in 2014, she and her husband Arthur Breitman co-founded Tezos. Breitman, a financial mathematics graduate of NYU, is presently the CEO of Dynamic Ledger Solutions, the business that created the first iteration of the Tezos platform.

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Powered primarily by the proprietary Tezos (XTZ) token, Tezos was created as an open-source proof-of-stake blockchain platform to enable the deployment of smart contracts and peer-to-peer transactions. Breitman first became involved in the blockchain community in 2014 while working with Accenture to implement the technology for business applications. This was before he co-founded Tezos. She has experience working with R3, a company based in New York that specializes in blockchain solutions for payments and settlements.

When Tezos first started out, it was a nonprofit that used initial coin offerings to raise money. The business has received multiple multi-million dollar investments over the years from seasoned businessmen like Tim Draper, and its current valuation is above $8 billion.


The Tezos blockchain performed well in 2021, but it failed in 2022, losing over 80% of its value. Even if things have improved thus far in 2023, there has been a notable decline recently. On the other hand, trade volumes spiked on October 10, which raised rumors that large investors, or “whales,” were purchasing XTZ currency. Over the past few months, Tezos has been able to implement additional updates. Additionally, more users are now developing decentralized finance (DeFi) projects on the network.


Building on 2021, the clothing retailer Gap joined the Tezos blockchain at the beginning of the year to launch exclusive NFTs that could be bought using XTZ tokens. Breitman’s goal of going worldwide was further realized when Tezos India teamed up with The Blockchain School to offer educational programs aimed at helping people learn the basics of the Tezos protocol.

The business also started its collaboration campaign early, signing a three-year agreement with the French esports organization Team Vitality to increase fan engagement by promoting Tezos. Moreover, a cryptocurrency-focused solution akin to Visa’s may be created shortly as a result of Tezos’ collaboration with Baanx, which was approved by the Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom.

Under Breitman’s direction, it is anticipated that Tezos will develop as a platform and compete with Ethereum to control the NFT ecosystem. Breitman is also confident that the reduced carbon impact of Tezos will be accepted in traditional finance.

Latest news about Kathleen Breitman

  • Versum, an NFT platform and metaverse built on the Tezos blockchain, is shutting down after a period of reflection. The team expressed gratitude to the community for their support and creativity, which made Versum a thriving space for artists, collectors, and Tezos NFT enthusiasts. The platform has experienced a significant decline in trading activity, with trading volume plummeting by nearly 50%. To facilitate a smooth transition, Versum has outlined a phased shutdown plan, including disabling minting on ITEMs contracts, freezing marketplace contracts, and taking the site offline on December 1. Users’ Versum ITEMs will remain safe and tradable in a decentralized way.
  • Art and tech-focused investment platform Fuelarts and Tezos blockchain have launched a web3 acceleration program for art and tech startups. The program, which aims to unite Art+Tech startups, will include 12 hours of group workshops and 18 hours of individual mentorship meetings. The startups will learn best practices, refine investment decks, business models, pitch development, and presentation skills. The accelerator will also provide entrepreneurs with knowledge and practical tech tools. 2,500 investors, including Artist Capital Management, Gemini, Pantera Capital, Princeville Capital, SBI Investment, and Sfermion, will be invited to The Demo Day, organized exclusively for the accelerator’s participants.
  • Fuelarts and Tezos blockchain are launching a joint acceleration program for art and tech startups. The 11-week program aims to empower culture and art through innovative solutions. Participants will receive professional mentorship and connect with industry leaders and Tezos’ technology experts. The program accepts angel-to-seed investment-stage startups based on the five segments of the NFT value chain: R&D, Trading, Management, GameFi, and Analytics. The accelerator will provide knowledge and practical tech tools, with one-on-one sessions with top mentors. The program will be held online, starting on February 3, 2023, and will include a demo day where participants can meet over 2,500 institutional and private investors. Applications can be drawn through December 30.

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