Markets News Report Technology
May 10, 2024

StaFi Integrates Support For EigenLayer’s LRT In Its Liquid-Staking-as-a-Service Stack

In Brief

Staking infrastructure provider StaFi announced that its Liquid Staking as a Service stack now supports liquid restaking token.

StaFi Integrates Support For EigenLayer’s LRT In Its Liquid-Staking-as-a-Service Stack

Provider of staking infrastructure, StaFi announced that its Liquid-Staking-as-a-Service (LSaaS) stack now accommodates the Liquid Restaking Token (LRT).

“The integration of LRT into StaFi’s Liquid-Staking-as-a-Service marks a significant milestone for developers, granting them the freedom to develop restaking products leveraging shared security across multiple chains,” said Liam Young, founder of StaFi. “Previously, working with LRT was complex and time-consuming. StaFi’s LRT Stack streamlines the process, reducing time to market and empowering developers to innovate with confidence in the crypto economic guarantees offered by liquid staking,” he added.

LSaaS represents a framework crafted to elevate the flexibility and efficiency of staking mechanisms. It enables developers to create Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSD) and LRT across Layer 1 and Layer 2 platforms and staking models.

The introduction of LRT support comes after the rollout of EigenLayer on mainnet, allowing developers and project teams to deploy LRT on LSaaS. This notably improves the efficiency of LRT development and enhances the accessibility of restaking services. The LRT stack encompasses a range of functionalities, including restaking, unstaking, withdrawals, minting or burning LRTs, restaking pool, and delegation or undelegation of restaking operators.

To enable the creation of the LRT and ETH pair, Actively Validated Service’s (AVS) restaking rewards will be exchanged for ETH in the market via swaps. These functionalities will undergo further enhancement with the upgrade of EigenLayer. Consequently, developers and LRT operators will have the capability to establish their LRT with these functionalities.

EigenLayer LRT is currently compatible with the LSaaS Stack application, with continued support for Karak and BounceBit LRT. Additionally, there are intentions to introduce support for BTC LRT in forthcoming updates.

EigenLayer is a protocol developed on the Ethereum network, offering restaking. Individuals staking ETH directly or through LST have the option to engage with EigenLayer smart contracts, allowing them to restake their ETH or LST and extend crypto economic security to further applications on the network, enabling users to earn supplementary rewards.

StaFi 2.0 Upgrade To Transform StaFi Ecosystem With Protocol’s Transition To LSD Infra Layer

StaFi is a multi-chain liquid staking protocol, offering enhanced liquidity for staked assets. It seeks to address the challenge of balancing mainnet security with token liquidity in Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus. Furthermore, it enables users to stake their tokens without the need to lock their assets or manage infrastructure, all while actively engaging in on-chain activities.

The recent integration comes merely a month following the introduction of LSaaS, coinciding with the release of the StaFi 2.0 roadmap, which outlines the inclusion of the LRT Stack among its planned developments. In the StaFi 2.0 upgrade, the protocol will transition from being solely a multi-chain LSD protocol to serving as an LSD Infra Layer.


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About The Author

Alisa, a dedicated journalist at the MPost, specializes in cryptocurrency, zero-knowledge proofs, investments, and the expansive realm of Web3. With a keen eye for emerging trends and technologies, she delivers comprehensive coverage to inform and engage readers in the ever-evolving landscape of digital finance.

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Alisa Davidson
Alisa Davidson

Alisa, a dedicated journalist at the MPost, specializes in cryptocurrency, zero-knowledge proofs, investments, and the expansive realm of Web3. With a keen eye for emerging trends and technologies, she delivers comprehensive coverage to inform and engage readers in the ever-evolving landscape of digital finance.

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