News Report Technology
June 27, 2024

Radiant Capital To Launch V3, Expand To Base And Reward Active Liquidity Providers With 125M Tokens

In Brief

Radiant Capital gears up for V3 launch and expansion to Base, rewarding dLPs with combined airdrop of 125 million RDNT and LayerZero tokens.

Radiant Capital To Launch V3, Expand To Base And Reward Active Liquidity Providers With 125M Tokens

Decentralized finance (DeFi) platform specializing in aggregating liquidity across different blockchains, Radiant Capital (RDNT) announced its nearing completion of the V3 launch and expansion onto the Layer 2 network Base. As part of this update, active decentralized liquidity providers (dLPs) are set to receive a combined airdrop of 125 million RDNT and LayerZero tokens.

Radiant V3 introduces several new features and functionalities, including the Radiant Innovation Zone (RIZ), a one-click leverage strategy, a dual emissions mechanism, and integration with Stargate V2.

The Radiant Innovation Zone (RIZ) provides isolated markets where decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) can swiftly and securely launch tokens related to popular trends like AI, gaming, RWAs, LSTs, and memecoins. This initiative aims to create new development opportunities and generate protocol fees for dLPs.

With 1-Click Leverage Strategies, users will gain automated access to both long and short positions on popular tokens, marking a significant advancement in on-chain functionality. Leveraging liquidity from money markets for leverage offers more cost-effective funding rates compared to on-chain perpetual exchanges. 

Dual Emissions will present substantial business growth potential. Protocols listing their tokens in the RIZ aim to stimulate supply and demand within the pool, resulting in additional token emissions alongside RDNT. Additionally, Stargate V2 Integration will streamline cross-chain asset lending and borrowing with minimal fees on the Stargate V2 platform.

Radiant Capital To Distribute 125M Tokens To Eligible Liquidity Providers

Furthermore, Radiant Capital RFP-33 has approved the distribution of 125 million RDNT tokens to eligible DLPs over a two-year period, with snapshots scheduled in the coming months. Users are advised to participate in dLP activities before these snapshots to qualify for the airdrop. LayerZero snapshots have already been captured, although additional rewards may still be available.

Radiant Capital aims to position itself as a first omnichain money market, enabling users to deposit a wide range of major assets on any major blockchain. It also provides borrowing opportunities for supported assets across multiple networks.

Recently, Radiant Capital approved the RFP-36 proposal to extend its deployment on Base, scheduled for July. Additionally, the company conducted an audit for RIZ, partnering with OpenZeppelin, a cryptocurrency cybersecurity technology and services firm, to address and resolve all high-severity issues identified.


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About The Author

Alisa, a dedicated journalist at the MPost, specializes in cryptocurrency, zero-knowledge proofs, investments, and the expansive realm of Web3. With a keen eye for emerging trends and technologies, she delivers comprehensive coverage to inform and engage readers in the ever-evolving landscape of digital finance.

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Alisa Davidson
Alisa Davidson

Alisa, a dedicated journalist at the MPost, specializes in cryptocurrency, zero-knowledge proofs, investments, and the expansive realm of Web3. With a keen eye for emerging trends and technologies, she delivers comprehensive coverage to inform and engage readers in the ever-evolving landscape of digital finance.

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