News Report Technology
June 18, 2024

Aligned Launches Its Third Testnet With 1,000 Proofs Per Second Speed And Reduced Proof Issuance Costs By 90%

In Brief

Aligned launched its third testnet, which is a public testnet designed for third-party operators, inviting users and developers to take part.

Aligned Launches Its Third Testnet With 1,000 Proofs Per Second Speed And Reduced Proof Issuance Costs By 90%

Zero-knowledge verification layer Aligned announced the launch of its third testnet, which is a public testnet designed for third-party operators, inviting users and developers to take part.

Aligned aims to make zero-knowledge a standard solution for creating provable and secure applications. Its objective is to test new features planned for the project and gain a deeper understanding of developer needs.

The testnet can generate more than 1,000 proofs per second and supports various proof systems, encompassing Halo2, SP1, and Gnark (Groth16 and Plonk + KZG). In addition, it lowers the cost associated with the proof system by 90%, enhancing efficiency and affordability.

Aligned operators only need to run the verification code, enabling code optimization and parallelization for increased throughput. Additionally, expensive proof systems for Ethereum can be verified, and integrating new systems is straightforward.

Developers can begin engaging with the testnet by downloading and installing Aligned to send their SP1 proofs and verify them. They can try it out by downloading an example SP1 and sending proofs. Meanwhile, users are encouraged to participate in the upcoming Galxe quest and an incentivized light client, which will soon be open to the public.

Aligned Launches Testnet Enabling Developer Access To Fast Mode Verification

Aligned represents a verification and aggregation layer built atop of EigenLayer. It enables cost-effective verification of any SNARK proof by utilizing the security of Ethereum validators without being constrained by the Ethereum network’s limitations. Aligned’s initial basic testnet operates with the Cosmos SDK, and Aligned has also transitioned to the EigenLayer testnet.

Aligned allows developers to verify proofs at a lower cost compared to traditional methods. It offers two modes for developers: fast mode and proof aggregation mode. Fast mode, built as an EigenLayer AVS, leverages Ethereum’s security through staking to ensure that proofs are verified and settled on Ethereum. Proof aggregation mode reduces costs by combining the verification of multiple proofs into a single on-chain proof. The new testnet only supports fast mode.

In April, Aligned secured $20 million in a Series A funding round led by Hack VC and supported by notable investors, including DAOFive, L2 Iterative Ventures, and Nomad Capital, among other contributors.


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About The Author

Alisa, a dedicated journalist at the MPost, specializes in cryptocurrency, zero-knowledge proofs, investments, and the expansive realm of Web3. With a keen eye for emerging trends and technologies, she delivers comprehensive coverage to inform and engage readers in the ever-evolving landscape of digital finance.

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Alisa Davidson
Alisa Davidson

Alisa, a dedicated journalist at the MPost, specializes in cryptocurrency, zero-knowledge proofs, investments, and the expansive realm of Web3. With a keen eye for emerging trends and technologies, she delivers comprehensive coverage to inform and engage readers in the ever-evolving landscape of digital finance.

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