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June 04, 2024

GaiaNet Announces Beta Product Launch Following Successful Alpha Phase

Decentralized AI Network Surpasses Expectations, Invites Community to Join Beta Campaign

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, June 4, 2024GaiaNet, the pioneering decentralized AI infrastructure project that aims to disrupt central AI inferencing servers like ChatGPT, today announced the launch of its Beta product. The launch follows the completion of the Alpha testing phase, during which the platform successfully handled thousands of daily requests on Telegram, Discord and X.

The Beta release focuses on the ease of setting up a GaiaNet node, ensuring that users, from individuals to businesses, can effortlessly integrate into the network. With a user-friendly interface, GaiaNet simplifies the process, making its innovative solutions accessible to users of all technical levels.

The commencement of beta testing marks a significant step forward in GaiaNet’s commitment to building a more inclusive and equitable AI ecosystem. With plans to roll out more functionalities in 2024, the platform is on the brink of redefining the boundaries of AI, making it more accessible, data bias-resistant, collaborative, and privacy-centric.

Early Adopters Campaign

To celebrate the Beta launch, GaiaNet invites the community to join the interactive campaigns on X, Discord, Telegram, and Warpcast. Users can participate in the beta product testing by setting up nodes and interacting with GaiaNet agents across different nodes. More details will be revealed on GaiaNet’s social accounts.

The Alpha phase demonstrated GaiaNet’s capability to decentralize AI interaction and application. With an impressive daily request volume, GaiaNet has validated its approach and is ready to scale with the Beta launch. This milestone underscores the demand for decentralized AI solutions and sets the stage for broader adoption.

GaiaNet’s progress has been marked by significant milestones, including a strategic partnership with UC Berkeley FHL Vive Center announced earlier this year. This collaboration aims to introduce decentralized AI teaching assistant technology into more education courses, leveraging AI inference power on a distributed Gaia Network.

Additionally, GaiaNet raised $10 million in seed funding, announced on May 28, 2024. This funding fuels the mission to revolutionize AI interactions and applications across various sectors.

Join the Revolution

GaiaNet is dedicated to revolutionizing the AI landscape by decentralizing AI agent software and providing a fair, transparent, and secure environment. GaiaNet’s network of peer-to-peer edge nodes enables personalized AI interactions, empowering individuals and businesses to harness AI’s power in innovative ways.

For more information about the Beta launch and to participate in our community campaign, visit and follow us on X @GaiaNet_AI.


About GaiaNet

GaiaNet stands as a trailblazer in decentralized AI technology, dedicated to reshaping the tech industry with a focus on user privacy, transparency, and control. Our cutting-edge open network infrastructure empowers users by ensuring privacy and censorship resistance in daily AI activities through a dynamic network of peer-to-peer edge nodes. This framework fosters the creation and collaboration of innovative AI business ecosystems, benefiting both private data holders and developers. GaiaNet aims to revolutionize the user experience with AI agents, seamlessly introducing transformative changes while preserving the intuitive technology and satisfaction currently existing in the Web2 era.



X: @GaiaNet_AI


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About The Author

Gregory, a digital nomad hailing from Poland, is not only a financial analyst but also a valuable contributor to various online magazines. With a wealth of experience in the financial industry, his insights and expertise have earned him recognition in numerous publications. Utilising his spare time effectively, Gregory is currently dedicated to writing a book about cryptocurrency and blockchain.

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Gregory Pudovsky
Gregory Pudovsky

Gregory, a digital nomad hailing from Poland, is not only a financial analyst but also a valuable contributor to various online magazines. With a wealth of experience in the financial industry, his insights and expertise have earned him recognition in numerous publications. Utilising his spare time effectively, Gregory is currently dedicated to writing a book about cryptocurrency and blockchain.

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