Business News Report Technology
August 15, 2023

Ethereum Foundation Distributes Over $9.2M Among 57 Ecosystem & Community Ventures in Q2

In Brief

Ethereum Foundation has published a full list of ecosystem projects and community events that it has funded in Q2.

Community events such as Ethereum conferences, as well as zero-knowledge proofs made up more than half the list.

Ethereum Foundation awarded a total of over $9 million to 57 ecosystem and community projects in Q2.

Today, the Ethereum Foundation shared a full list of ecosystem and community events it has supported during Q2 via its Ecosystem Support Program (ESP).

A sum of over $9 million was granted to 57 projects within the ecosystem and community, categorized under four main areas: community & education, consensus layer, cryptography & zero-knowledge proofs, and protocol growth & support.

In addition, funding was allocated to general growth, research, layer 2, and other projects.

A significant portion of the amount was earmarked for leading Ethereum conferences across Europe, Latin America, and Asia, encompassing Warsaw, Prague, Barcelona, Paris, Belgrade, and Singapore venues. 

Amidst the rise of cryptography and zero-knowledge proofs in blockchain, 17 ZK projects secured Ethereum Foundation funding. These encompass ZKEmail for email verification via ZKPs, ZKP2P for permissionless fiat onramp, and zkMemory for memory handling in ZKVMs, among others.

Consensus layers propel Ethereum’s performance, elevating its speed, transaction capacity, and security. Keeping this in focus, the Foundation backed six projects related to consensus layers. 

These include research on protocol advancements, ongoing development of the Nimbus consensus client which ensures the stable performance on the production beacon chain, and a self-hosted tool supporting Ethereum node maintenance for stakers and validators, aiding in managing upcoming duties.

The funding also backed projects fostering Ethereum’s protocol expansion. These encompass grants for account abstraction and its infrastructure, backing the Ethereum KZG Ceremony for scaling, an 18-week protocol exploration initiative, and support for the OnlyDust community. 

ESP,  an outward-facing allocation arm of the Ethereum Foundation, extends backing and aid to eligible projects aiming to enhance Ethereum. The grants target open-source tools, research, community growth, educational content, standards and infrastructure; all pivotal for Ethereum’s progress.

In addition to financial backing, ESP provides essential non-financial assets. These include enhanced visibility, access to a robust knowledge base, a committed team, and networking opportunities with prominent developers and community members.

For those not in need of financial assistance, builders can also tap into office hours for non-financial aid – such as project feedback and navigation within the Ethereum ecosystem.

To explore grant opportunities, interested parties can apply here.


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About The Author

Cindy is a journalist at Metaverse Post, covering topics related to web3, NFT, metaverse and AI, with a focus on interviews with Web3 industry players. She has spoken to over 30 C-level execs and counting, bringing their valuable insights to readers. Originally from Singapore, Cindy is now based in Tbilisi, Georgia. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications & Media Studies from the University of South Australia and has a decade of experience in journalism and writing. Get in touch with her via [email protected] with press pitches, announcements and interview opportunities.

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Cindy Tan
Cindy Tan

Cindy is a journalist at Metaverse Post, covering topics related to web3, NFT, metaverse and AI, with a focus on interviews with Web3 industry players. She has spoken to over 30 C-level execs and counting, bringing their valuable insights to readers. Originally from Singapore, Cindy is now based in Tbilisi, Georgia. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications & Media Studies from the University of South Australia and has a decade of experience in journalism and writing. Get in touch with her via [email protected] with press pitches, announcements and interview opportunities.

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